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Care and Maintenance
Care and Maintenance
If you want to extend the life of your mattress, proper care is essential. Mattresses require proper care to stay clean and comfortable for sleeping. Here are some caring tips:
Cleaning the mattress: Mattresses should be cleaned on a regular basis to keep them clean and prevent the accumulation of dust and bacteria. A vacuum cleaner can be used to remove dust and small particles, while special mattress cleaners can remove stains and odors.
Mattress ventilation: To keep mattresses fresh and free of unpleasant odors, they must be ventilated on a regular basis. The bedding can be placed outside for a few hours to allow for proper ventilation, and a humidifier can be used to improve indoor air quality.
We offer an inquiry and care service after you purchase the product. You can call to inquire about the product that was purchased, and if necessary, a maintenance team will be dispatched to resolve the issue.
The body requires some time to adjust and become accustomed to the new bedding before feeling comfortable. As a result, we provide you with a 30-day trial period to ensure that the mattress provides the appropriate comfort and support for you. If the mattress is not right for you, you can replace it with another mattress after making sure the new one is comfortable. Enjoying a healthy and comfortable sleep.
In short, caring for your mattress can help to keep it in good condition and last longer.
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